Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bringing the GAME to Students

My “GAME plan” (Cennamo, Ertmer and Ross, 2009), has had a great deal of success so far. Some of this success may be attributed directly to actions I have taken, such as seeking approval and permission to load necessary software onto student computers for use in facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity (NETS-T, 2009) through the use of collaborative tools for reflection. Specifically, we are using the screencasting software, Jing!, to share and comment on ideas in our class. In my other goal, networking with colleagues, I have found success in the use of this blog. Since we are all posting on a weekly basis in this course, I have been more focused on its use as a tool rather than thinking of it simply as another application assignment.
The students in my classes also need to further develop their technology skills in as many ways as possible. Through the use of collaboration software and sharing through the screencasting and blogging activities, students can achieve more of the standards indicated by the NETS-S model (2009). Specifically, students will focus on the use of creativity, collaboration, and digital citizenship (NETS-S, 2009) through these activities. The unit plan I have been creating for this course also underscores these concepts and reinforces their usefulness in the classroom.
Based on the NETS-T model, I will start using technology in my classes on a more regular basis. Instead of waiting for a major project, I will focus on the immediate uses for my classes and create more meaningful assignments, such as digital storytelling or sharing with other students through video or blog applications. This will also encourage my students to create and explore technology solutions in their learning.
Adjusting and monitoring are two qualities which make good teachers great. As part of my own adjustment, I plan to start using this (or another) blog to communicate with students and staff in my district and the surrounding areas. In this way, I can also assist my students’ creativity by soliciting ideas from other teachers and students. This, hopefully, will heighten the students’ awareness of our subject matter and inspire them to place this information higher in their “quality world” (Glasser, 1998).

-Stephen St. Georges

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Glasser, W. (1998). Choice theory: A new psychology of personal freedom. New York: Harper and Row.

National Education Standards for Students (NETS-S) retrieved from on December 16, 2009

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) retrieved from on December 8, 2009.


  1. I like that you want to extend this blog idea to other teachers and students in your district. I cannot tell you how many great ideas I have received through blogging. It provides a wonderful forum for educators to present original ideas and to bounce adaptations of old ideas off of people with similar goals - that of quality education.

  2. I really like the idea of using technology on a regular basis. So many teachers in my district think there needs to be a major project to use technology, and then they focus on the technology piece more that the content or skills being taught. Students need to learn to use technology to accomplish everyday tasks, so that their use of technology is integrated into their daily lives, rather than being seen as a separate component.

  3. Using technology on a regular basis will add to the interest level of your students since this is where there enthusiasm lies currently. Do you have access to a lot of technology at your school? We have one computer lab and one mobile computer lab. I have a computer and a projector in my classroom and use it frequently but most of my technology uses has to be to encourage them to use it in projects from home. We have recently purchased 3 classroom smart boards and 4 mobile smart boards at our school and I hope to be able to incorporate this into my classroom. Good luck in continuing to make technology a major part of your class.

  4. Treating this blog as a learning tool for your students is a fantastic idea. Students love anything new that is technology based. I know that my students always beg me to make assignments on the computer rather than paper work or notebook based assignments. Most students are not more comfortable in front of the screen rather than in front of a piece of paper. I think its fantastic that you are monitoring progress and adjusting lessons and activities for your students. Its not always the students who have to figure things out. Sometimes us teachers have to as well.
